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Top things of 2013
Monday, February 10, 2014 // 7:36 PM

Wow... My last post was like !@#$% months ago. 

Anyhoo, I shouldn't really be blogging right now 'cause I have an econs exam tomorrow ._. But I don't really care cause I need a break. 

So here goes *drumrolls*


1. I have moved on to a new phase of life aka entering Temasek Polytechnic.

2. I got into TOPS and so far I really enjoyed all the activities that is going on. 

3. I had my first Hari Raya visit to my Muslim friends' houses and it was super awesome *brofist* 

4. CRG was formed (Muacks guys, I love you :*)

5. Christmas exchange with my poopies :* (I received 3 cutiepie socks from Carolyn, a thumb drive from Yang Kai and a minion nano block figurine from Cai Qian) 

6. I started gymming and still am with my bff :* 

7. I had tons of new clothes! *flips hair* 

8. Had a wonderful New Year countdown at Marina Barrage with my bff :* 

9. I cycled all the way from ECP to Changi (achievement unlocked)

10. I've got a Macbook Air *throws hearts confetti everywhere* 

So... That's about it ((: 

I am having a very hectic week and I just can't wait for Wednesday to be over *prays* and for Friday to arrive because...


To all you couples out there, hope you guys will last superrrrrrrrrr long till death do you guys apart 


To all the singlets out there, don't be sad )): Because valentine's day is to spread the love around, may not be your boyfriend/girlfriend but you still have your friends and family and that's all that matters ^^


Things on my mind
Sunday, September 22, 2013 // 10:13 PM

This is just gonna be a short wordy post so yeah, you can choose not to read it if you want. 

To start things off, I just wanna say that there are like so many things on my mind right now. All the worries and everything. It just freaking sucks and this post is just for me to just say everything out. 

Girls, in a relationship, you definitely want what is best for the relationship right? (Obviously.) Even if it means hurting yourself. What actually makes a good relationship? Trust. The thing is, trust must be built up. 

What I'm trying to say is, I totally trust you. However, there will always be things that worry me. Like for example, your girl best friend. You seem to have endless things to talk about to her. On the other hand? I feel like I have to come up with topics to talk about when I thought that this should flow naturally between couples. I just don't know what to say at times, and you won't know what to say. We go quiet, no texts from each other... It just feels horrible. I know that not talking to you isn't much of a big deal to you. However, it is to me. It's just like smoking or taking drugs. It's addictive and I can't stop. So I will try to make something up regardless of anything. And it will just die down again... It's exhausting, yet I'm doing it willingly. 

Besides that, if you trust me, you would tell me what's on your mind, what's the problem. To share the burden with me. Isn't that what couples do? To talk things out, to tell the person who's being the problem here instead of bottling it all up, to talk it out. Whenever there's a problem, you don't seem to tell me anything. I just get so worried, get so anxious and all. I'd rather hear the sad truth than to hear a beautiful lie. Don't you think that this is very unfair? I want to help you, yet you don't want me to. May I know why? You push away people that may possibly care about you. It's just really heart-wrenching to know that you don't trust me with your problems. 

I trust you with everything. My secrets, my feelings, my thoughts. Every single part of me, I opened up to you because I trust you. All I want is not much, but for you to share your problems with me, to let me be a part of you. Sigh. 

21 Sept 2013
Saturday, September 21, 2013 // 10:26 PM


Starting off with my post gym face! Just came back from the gym and here I am blogging because I have so much things to do in so little time and yet I'm here to de-stress. Just hear my rants and how hectic my HOLIDAYS are. Yes, HOLIDAYS.

So recently, my fellow ToPS sub-comm members and I held a workshop for a competition. A lot of work was put into it. Phew, thank God it's over. However, that's not where the work ends sadly ))': We have to complete formalities, go through the competition with the participants etc. Okay, you may be thinking: "This isn't that bad!" "Are you like weak or what?" 

Hold your horses man.

You have no idea how hectic next week is for me. I have SO many plans and all of them keep crashing with one another. Not funny, bitches. I have to like rush from one end of Singapore to the other end. Come back home to do my work. Can't even squeeze in time to gym. OH GOD. This is what my schedule looks like okay: 

I know it doesn't look like much, but it's because I squeezed it all together. 

My very hectic week. No time to stop and stare or even have a proper rest. All my plans are crashing into each other. Especially Wednesday and Thursday. Want to know what's worse? 

Results are gonna come out. So NOT looking forward to it coming out. My GPA is gonna plummet like crazy. Sigh. Whatever. Just gotta study harder. 

Okay, enough of my very sad life. Hahaha, so what have I been doing for the past week(s) for my holidays? Let me show y'all:

7 Sept 2013:

Gym in the morning with my BFF, met up with my poopies :* Party at my place! WHOOOOO~ Great company, great food, games and all! Thank you for coming guys! You guys are the best :* :* :* 

14 Sept 2013: 

Went to vivo city after gym to meet my dear Banana ((: Had Carl's Jr for lunch, went for a walk at the Sentosa Boardwalk to take photos. A day where we forget about all our problems. Had the most enjoyable time with my banana and I miss her already )): Hope to see her on Thursday! ((:

15 Sept 2013:

Did some baking! Vanilla cupcakes with chocolate chips filling! YUMMM (Tip: DO NOT put cocoa powder on your cupcakes before you make them. They just spoil they taste and make your cupcakes taste bitter.)

16 Sept 2013: 

Had the workshop in school! It was great and it was really fun! OUR HARD WORK PAID OFF! 

18 Sept 2013:

Went for a few rounds of pool with my BFF at katong, then to head down to East Coast Park for some beach action! My BFF is getting good at pool! So proud of my protege! ((': That day was really hot and such and we weren't even in our beach attire. Screw it, we had lots of fun ^^ Especially when my BFF piggy-backs me all around ECP! Wheeeee! 

20 Sept 2013:

Pure definition of stupidity with my favourite little girl :* Went out for a mini shopping trip even though I had a headache and she had a cold. Hahaha, so glad to see her again ((: Despite our illnesses, we had a sushi feast for dinner at Sushi Express! We ate... A LOT. 

Throughout the holidays I have also been going to the library with my BFF for movie marathons! ^^ Nachos, bubble tea, marshmallows, cookies etc. GROWING FAT GUYS. Here are some of our stupid photos: 

Okay, laugh all you want. Hehe. 

Going out for dinner with my family! Yong Tau Foo! YUMMM 


Have a good week ahead to everyone and I am so in love with my lip gloss now! *heart-shaped eyes* 

(Sorry for the overload of selfies. Hahaha #sorrynotsorry)


"A heart is just like a home-for that someone special to live in. And only that someone."
» Top things of 2013
» Things on my mind
» 21 Sept 2013
» Just to let you know.
» Feelings.
» A little spring of hope.
» When In Love,
» For the broken-hearted
» How to be a budget princess/prince
» School.