"A heart is just like a home-for that someone special to live in. And only that someone."
A little spring of hope.
Saturday, July 27, 2013 // 10:04 PM
Decided to some time off my hectic schedule to de-stress by blogging.
School has been... A BIG DAMN BURDEN. It's like there are unless things to learn, things to do, stuff to finish in time and tests to study for. It really has been taking a lot of things from me, but honestly, I'd rather have a hectic life then to be doing nothing. Especially during the holidays. I guess that when someone is busy and doing stuff, it helps them to take their mind off things and help them to focus on the task at hand. Over-thinking kills too. Rather go to school and laugh with my friends than stay at home and watch endless sappy movies and chick flicks and bawl my eyes out. I mean so what if I work? There will be days that I am free and hours that I am free. I will just let my mind wander off and think of things I can't even comprehend how much I don't even want to think about it. At least at school (9-6), home (dinner, homework, study, sleep). I won't even have time to think about bullshit.
Okay, enough with the... "emo nemo"-ness (you have no idea how many times I have to re-type nemo due to the stupid auto correct on my com). Anyways, got a new laptop for school (my very first)! So happy and thankful for my dad. Well, all I can say is good things will happen after the bad ones. Losing you, I didn't have any regrets. Bawling out my eyes for you, feeling the cold hard truth in my bones, getting over you... Well, all I can say is, life goes on.
I have been gym-ing and studying with one of my good friends, Irshad ((: He is my motivation to my ideal body, my grades... Basically, everything I am focusing on now. I'm so thankful and grateful to have him by my side through the good and the bad times (although I know he is a busy man whom doesn't reply my texts most of the time) But yeah, you get the idea. One of my good friends in poly next to almost my entire class ^^
Finally got songs into my phone, all the clubbing songs. I was also telling my friend how my iTunes can DJ a party (okay, maybe Irshad's one would be better than mine... BUT STILL, IDC) and the party would be in my house... IN THE TOILET. Hahahahahaha. Okay, VIPS can dance on my toilet bowl and let's go to Daiso and buy torch lights to shine shine shine. Hahahah, okay sorry, I know that this whole post does not even have a proper body, but I don't really care. I'm just here to de-stress.
Speaking about parties... My birthday is a month plus away and you know what? It's in the midst of my mid-sem tests and one day after my 3rd paper. THIS. FREAKING. SUCKS. Why my birthday so unlucky one you tell me.
On the side note, I have so many events coming up in school, like let's say Fundraising for TOPS! Gonna be ice cream girls with the beautiful ladies, Florence and Ting Ting ((: (We're gonna dress like princesses with our dresses) So come down and support guys! This friday, 2/8/13, outside the one stop station at Temasek Polytechnic! Bring your friends, bring your friends' friends, bring your friends' friends' friends! After fundraising, have to go for some talk by an external vendor and then bonding day for an hour with all PhS students! EXCITED WHOOOO. Okay, then there is Gala Night, something like prom which I can't wait for! Too excited cause I'm going with my lovely friends ((': PARTYYYY! I hope that there will be a camp for TOPS and ASC students! WE ARE ONE BIG ASC FAMILY
On the side note, my iTunes are playing all the songs that I have so far and I'm amazed by the songs I have. Cause all of them sound so amazing! *self-praise*
Okok, time for pictures! I know this post is super wordy, so pardon me ((;
With some of my class girls! The awesome babes :*
My minion laughter twin and one of my good friends :*
My twin and one of my favourite TOPS girls :* :*
Selfie *shameless*
And my post-gym face to hide how exhausted I really am.
Okay, I'm done. Shall blog soon, hopefully before my exams.
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"A heart is just like a home-for that someone special to live in. And only that someone."