"A heart is just like a home-for that someone special to live in. And only that someone."
Top things of 2013
Monday, February 10, 2014 // 7:36 PM
Wow... My last post was like !@#$% months ago.
Anyhoo, I shouldn't really be blogging right now 'cause I have an econs exam tomorrow ._. But I don't really care cause I need a break.
So here goes *drumrolls*
1. I have moved on to a new phase of life aka entering Temasek Polytechnic.
2. I got into TOPS and so far I really enjoyed all the activities that is going on.
3. I had my first Hari Raya visit to my Muslim friends' houses and it was super awesome *brofist*
4. CRG was formed (Muacks guys, I love you :*)
5. Christmas exchange with my poopies :* (I received 3 cutiepie socks from Carolyn, a thumb drive from Yang Kai and a minion nano block figurine from Cai Qian)
6. I started gymming and still am with my bff :*
7. I had tons of new clothes! *flips hair*
8. Had a wonderful New Year countdown at Marina Barrage with my bff :*
9. I cycled all the way from ECP to Changi (achievement unlocked)
10. I've got a Macbook Air *throws hearts confetti everywhere*
So... That's about it ((:
I am having a very hectic week and I just can't wait for Wednesday to be over *prays* and for Friday to arrive because...
To all you couples out there, hope you guys will last superrrrrrrrrr long till death do you guys apart
To all the singlets out there, don't be sad )): Because valentine's day is to spread the love around, may not be your boyfriend/girlfriend but you still have your friends and family and that's all that matters ^^
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"A heart is just like a home-for that someone special to live in. And only that someone."