"A heart is just like a home-for that someone special to live in. And only that someone."
Wednesday, April 24, 2013 // 11:19 AM
Okay, as all of you have known, school has started for me. My 6 months of holidays are gone ): Well, not all good things last forever right?
Okay so to start things of, I have just completed and conquered week 0 with my new classmates and they were all so adorable and lovely ^^ The first day for us was like... awkward. But it's natural. The second day was when things start to get good. So as I said in my previous post, the second day of camp starts at 6.30pm and ends at 7am in the morn the next day. No sleeping of course ._.
So I had a wonderful dinner prepared by my mum and I am so grateful to have her.
We had a mass dance and it was super fun! Let me introduce you guys to my dance partner, Sherissa! ^^
She's down with a high fever today so I pray hard she gets well soon! )):
(This is us during regatta by the way ^^)
So games and games and games after that. Had one of the rudest experience at one of the games but let's just forget it.
It was an unforgettable yet tiring night. After that I went to see my frienmily after he got released from school. I feel so blessed being able to see him after a hectic day.
On Thursday, I had to report back to school to see my CarePerson. Super kind and friendly. And the PhS interest group had some games for us! We got wet, literally. And we took a class photo!
One without Hui Han and Xe Wen (Our lovely OLs),
and one with them! ^^
Low and behold, it's Friday, regatta day. We had to change into this Team Temasek green shirt (for ASc school), we look pretty cool (;
Took a photo with Shu Hui and Sherissa ^^
Next, we had to paint our faces! We're gonna look like warriors!
One with Sheryl! ((:
Another with Syafiqah, Suha and Fairusnisah ^^
One with Sherissa, Ting Ting and Xin Yi! ^^
And one more with Sherissa as shown on top (:
I even had ASc plus camo nails all prepared the previous night for regatta! Getting into the spirit!
So regatta started, it was super boring and it was shit for me but still memorable. Don't worry seniors, we'll try to get back the cheer team trophy for you guys (;
There was like coloured powder splashed everywhere and the end result of it:
It cannot be fully washed off.
After the regatta, I met my frienmily for dinner and happened to saw Yang Kai there with his school mates. It has been too long. Hope to meet up with my poopies this Saturday ):
After a long hectic week, meeting my frienmily is really comforting for me.
School started and had to get some errands done over the weekends like altering my super long skirt and my jeans. So grateful to the lady for altering it in one day (': So here's how the convo went about my colourful ombré skirt with my frienmily:
Too funny!
On Sunday, my frienmily came over to eat chicken rice cooked by my mum for dinner ^^ So blessed.
Okay, gonna end of my updates here and prepare for school. Next post is gonna be interesting cause I'm gonna tell you guys how to be budget princesses and princes! Stay tuned, xx.
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"A heart is just like a home-for that someone special to live in. And only that someone."