"A heart is just like a home-for that someone special to live in. And only that someone."
Just to let you know.
Sunday, September 8, 2013 // 2:09 AM
To start things off, I just wanna give a big shout out to my most bimbotic bff ever.
HAVE A HAPPY 17TH BIRTHDAY CAROLYN :* :* :* <3 p="">3>
Look at how much we have grown! Okay, have an enjoyable 17th birthday and we'll make it up to you on Monday by having a picnic okay? (; Love you so much! Heehee, have a wonderful birthday :*
Next, my exams are finally over bitches! *throws party confetti everywhere* WHOOOO, it has definitely been long-awaited and I'm gonna make the best use of my holidays to do rest and slack and not do anything.
I started off my holidays with a party over at my place! *proud* It was super awesome! Had the poopies over at my place first and they were like... GOING CRAZY OVER THE PHOTOBOOTH I HAD. Tsk, and someone didn't even wanted to take photos at first! (You know who you are *smirks*) Shall try to upload the photos tomorrow on my com since I am super free tomorrow and it's my wake up late day. HEH. After that, my poly friends came over! WHOOO, the pizza, the drinks, it was all good! *thumbs up* Never felt so bloated in my entire life before from all the drinks that I had. Played the circle of death for the first time, it was really fun yet disgusting at the same time. Imagine bandung with Barcadi's orange breezers and Somersby's apple cider all mixed together. And I had to drink that. *pukes* It tasted like... sour bandung. YUCKS. I KNOW RIGHT. It was fun and I definitely recommend that whenever there are drinks at a party especially when there is no hard liquor. Just wanna thank all of you guys that came and for making this so special for me.
Of course, this is one of the ups of my life. Life is full of ups and downs. I definitely did had my fair share of downs these few days. Super depressing okay. There are so many issues on my mind yet I don't know if I should say it here or not.
Anyways, one of the things that are disturbing me is racism. This is just plain disgusting and downright wrong. We are living in a multi-racial country and I am lovin' it. I don't understand what on earth is wrong with those people who are like, super racist?! I just don't okay. Whenever I see couples of different races together, it makes me feel happy. Let's say a Chinese girl and an Indian guy together- this is just sweet. I have a bff which is a Malay guy and we are really close. My parents are just making a big fuss about it, on basically, EVERY SINGLE DAYS. I understand that they just worry about me but the thing is he and I, we're just friends. Like c'mon, if they don't believe me, I have no idea what to say. Urgh.
Moving on, have you guys ever encountered people are so busybody and just barging into your problems with someone close (a boyfriend, best friend, relative whatever) to you? I definitely have. And this is one of the reasons why I am still up after a tiring day, blogging at this hour. Like seriously girl, learn to draw your fucking line and stay out of our problems. It's like none of your business? I really detest and HATE these kind of people. Yes, hate, a strong word. I really do. Sometimes I just feel like doing this:
(Cr: Google)
Yupp. Sometimes, I guess all we have to do is to just draw a line. I know that you guys may be concerned, but c'mon, DRAW A FUCKING LINE. What would you think the girlfriend, best friend or relative would feel with regards to this? Won't they feel as if their privacy is being stripped off? Because honestly, that's how I feel right now. The worst part: you have no idea if you should confront your boyfriend, best friend or relative with regards to this. Sigh. This is so vexing.
Okay, I shall turn in now after a long day. To sleep with a heavy heart, goodnight. xx
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"A heart is just like a home-for that someone special to live in. And only that someone."